Sunday, January 23, 2011

Should I try to lose more weight?

Swegei asked: Should I try to lose more weight?
I currently weigh 185 pounds (though 183 in the morning). I am 19, 5'11 getting ready to turn 20 this week and I was wondering whether I should lose more weight. I used to weigh 225 at the start of the summer and I honestly didn't realize I weighed/looked so bad. It interfered with my dating life and I knew that girls weren't thrilled with my weight. I was determined to lose weight so I cut soda, fries, and eating after dinner out of my diet and a few months later, I have lost 40 pounds overall.

Girls seem to notice me more but still not like what I want though I feel a lot better about myself which is the best thing. My mom recommended I stay at this weight but I think I should drop 10 more pounds. I think I will be more attractive and feel even better about myself if I do this.

What should I do?
1 year ago
Additional Details
I forgot to mention that I do lift on a regular basis and have not really experienced any extra skin from losing weight aside from just not being toned.

As for dating, I have been told that I have a great personality but I suffered from the the "nice guy" sydroym that has all of the nicest words and funny personality had a fast food diet.

It is starting to change some now.
1 year ago

Princess replies: It all depends on how your body is shaped. Usually, Dietitians check your body weight by height when someone has small, medium, and large body types. Since you are MALE, 5 feet is 110 pounds for medium body type weight range. Since you are 5 feet and 11 inches. Every inch added after 5 feet is 10 pounds for medium body type. If you have medium body type, 11 inches multiplied by 10 is 110 pounds, so you are supposed to be 210 pounds, that is only if you have a medium body type. If you have a small frame body type, then it's minus 10 pounds, which is 200 pounds. And, if you are large frame, then you are supposed to be 220 pounds.

Now, weight is not everything. Going to the gym and doing Cardio first, then other things is a must in order for a girl having to look at you. Also, protein is very important for guys.

I can suggest you have good Carbs for breakfast such as cereals rich in fiber, less sugar, skim milk or lactaid skim milk. Also, egg whites for breakfast any style you want. A cup of coffee, if you like without sugar, but Splenda, Sweet & Low, or Equal.

Drink fresh juice and 8 glasses of water per day. 3 glasses of skim milk or lactaid skim milk per day.
You can break down the hours such as every 2 hours, you'll drink a glass of juice, milk, or have a fruit, or munch on carrots or celery stalks, or even have cucumbers to fill up your appetite.

Walk 20 minutes a day, any chance you get. Expand 5 minutes when 20 minutes get bored.

Lunch, if you are having fast food, ignore the fries and soda, and have grilled food instead. If having home made food, protein all the way, ignore the potatoes, have the whole grain products such as brown rice, parboiled rice, whole wheat bagel, bread, whole wheat pasta. Change your diet a bit, and you'll see a whole new you.

Dinner, don't over eat!!! Have a bowl of chowder, about a cup or two. =0) Also, salads are great, it could be any type of salad, from Greek salad, to Cesar Salad to Fruit salad, whichever you prefer.

Hope you'll follow it.
I am a Nutrition Counselor for Weight Management, also my boyfriend is 5'11" and he followed this diet, and does he look good, his muscles are amazing, biceps triceps what can I say, everything is mm mm good!
1 year ago

Swegei replied: Thanks. All of the answers were good and helpful.

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