Sunday, January 23, 2011

What's the healthiest thing to eat at iHop?

Rockworld12 asks: What's the healthiest thing to eat at iHop?
Okay, okay, i know "Why would you go to iHop to eat healthy?" But i would still like to know. I think I want to get eggs, like using egg beaters or egg whites only. Maybe poached eggs? I don't know, help me! Also, I am planning to get fruit. Any suggestions?
1 year ago

Princess replies: any of the entrees can be picked as long as you eat half of it, and take the rest to go. That's what a lot of Dietitians recommend.

Drink a glass of water before beginning anything. And, start off with Soup and Salad. If you have more room in your tummy, pick something else out.

If you see anything that is grilled, pick that. Ignore the mayo, ignore the fries. Instead of fries, have baked red potato without sour cream and butter. Ignore Garlic bread. Have the garlic bread to go, for a snack after two to three hours, when you are hungry again. Or ask a friend to finish it for you. Or take it home with you, and put it in the fridge for later.

If it's pork bacon, One bacon is okay and not couple of pieces. Have the other pieces to go. But, if you want more, have turkey bacon instead.

Dessert: Pick the Fruit Crepe with Ice cream (because ice cream cleans out the palate), and have it with Fruit compote instead of whipped cream.

As for Omelet, pick an Omelet without the yolk, without the cheese, and with all the veggie ingredients.

I hope that helps. Also, finish yourself with Water.
Source(s):; Is a Nutrition counselor/Dietitian. Is a professional cook.
1 year ago

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